AD/PD™ Journal Club – “Plasma ADAM10 Levels and their Association with Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis in Older Adults with Fewer Years of Formal Education”

The recording of the AD/PD™ Live Journal Club webinar, discussing the Plasma ADAM10 Levels and their Association with Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis in Older Adults with Fewer Years of Formal Education (Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders | Karger Publishers), is now available.

Prof. Marcia Regina Cominetti discussed the low educational attainment as a potential risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) development. Alpha-secretase ADAM10 plays a central role in AD pathology, attenuating the formation of beta-amyloid peptides and, therefore, their aggregation into senile plaques.



Dr. Carol Dobson-Stone is a Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience, based at the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia since 2017. She is a molecular geneticist examining genes that are mutated in dementia and related neurodegeneration, particularly frontotemporal dementia and motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Dr. Carol Dobson-Stone uses next-generation sequencing data from dementia patients to identify potentially pathogenic DNA variants in candidate genes, and she is developing medium-throughput cellular assays of dementia-relevant biological phenotypes, in order to determine pathogenicity of these variants.


Prof. Marcia Regina Cominetti is an Associate Professor in the Department of Gerontology at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil. She holds a Biological Sciences undergraduate degree from UFSC and a Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences from UFSCar. Her post-doctoral work included international biochemistry and molecular biology research at INSERM, France (2005-2006), and further studies at UFSCar (2007-2009). As a senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health with the Global Brain Health Institute, her research focuses on neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s, using cell biology and biochemistry techniques. Prof. Marcia Regina Cominetti leads a research project funded by FAPESP (grant #2021/01863-9) investigating ADAM10 as a biomarker for AD and collaborate on a FAPESP-supported project (grant #2018/15571-7) on cognitive decline to AD dementia. She also has interests in disseminating science working with outreach projects in schools to talk about aging and dementia.


Welcome: Dr. Carol Dobson-Stone will introduce Prof. Marcia Regina Cominetti (10 min)

Presentation: Prof. Marcia Regina Cominetti will introduce the publication of the article: “Plasma ADAM10 Levels and their Association with Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis in Older Adults with Fewer Years of Formal Education”, published in the Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Journal (Karger Publisher) (20 min)

Discussion: Q&A with the speaker, moderated by Dr. Carol Dobson-Stone (15 min)

This initiative is made possible thanks to the help of the Karger Publishers and the Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Journal.